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Demolition Contractors
The following recommendations are well established licensed demolition professionals. We purchase building materials from these practitioners. Contact them to receive an above standard service and maximum waste reduction.
Gravity Demolition
Gravity Demolition has been providing demolition and asbestos removal services to new and existing clients across Melbourne since 1989.
They are registered, fully insured and specialise in residential and light commercial structures. They are very efficient and focused on recycling.
For a quotation email:
Or call 9894 3511.
Timber Floor Installers & Polishing
Skirting, Architraves and Mouldings
Australian Moulding Co.
An unbelievable range of made-to-order skirting, architraves and moulding which can be produced from any timber of your choice. They have an excellent and very timely quote request service, and deliver Australia wide.
Unit 5A, 43 Burgess Road, Bayswater North VIC 3153
Tel: (03) 9761-5456 or 1300 761 838
Paint Removal
Colorex Paint Removal
Mark Clancy and the team use a non-caustic solution to carefully remove years of paint from your doors, furniture and cast iron and metal ware. Why do it yourself when the experts can safely, and in an environmentally-friendly manner, give you a paint-free finish?
We don’t recommend you dip leadlight doors or windows as it destroys the lead. Instead carefully remove the paint with our non toxic soy gel remover.
4 Hume Street, Huntingdale VIC 3166
Landline: (03) 9548-8119
Mobile: 0402 124 130
Mirrors and Specialist Glass
Varga Bros. Mirror & Glass P/L
Strip and Resilver Mirrors – From $40
Specialist in hand bevelling glass & mirrors
Manufacture Antique Mirrors
7-9 Richards Street, Mitcham 3132
Ph. 03 9874 3724
Hardware and Locksmith
CnD Locksmiths & Security
We Rekey most locks to your existing house key or create a new key.
Other services: Access control, Alarm system supply & Installation, CCTV system Supply & Installations and Automotive locksmith services.