$ 6.95171 L/M 76 wide 20 depth Water Based & % Raw. Bay 3B-4 H80-7 $ 6.95171 L/M 76 wide 20 depth Water Based & % Raw. Bay 3B-4 H80-4
$ 7.5065 L/M 80 wide 19 depth RAW. Bay 4B-2 H80-4 $ 7.5065 L/M 80 wide 19 depth RAW. Bay 4B-2 H80-12
$ 7.50110 L/M 81 wide 18 depth Raw. Feature Grain. Bay 4B-3 H80-12 $ 7.50110 L/M 81 wide 18 depth Raw. Feature Grain. Bay 4B-3 H80-26
$ 7.5058 L/M 81 wide x 18 high Raw. Brenda St Job. Bay 6A-5 H80-26 $ 7.5058 L/M 81 wide x 18 high Raw. Brenda St Job. Bay 6A-5 H80-3
$ 7.50275 L/M 81 wide 18 depth Clear Coat. Bay 3B-5. H80-3 $ 7.50275 L/M 81 wide 18 depth Clear Coat. Bay 3B-5. H80-16
$ 7.50325 L/M 81 wide 24 depth Dark Polish. Bay 3B-5 H80-16 $ 7.50325 L/M 81 wide 24 depth Dark Polish. Bay 3B-5 H80-10
$ 7.50318 L/M 82 wide 17 depth Clear Coat. Bay 4B-6. H80-10 $ 7.50318 L/M 82 wide 17 depth Clear Coat. Bay 4B-6. H80-22
$ 7.5071 L/M 82 wide 18 depth Clear Coat. Bay 5B-2 H80-22 $ 7.5071 L/M 82 wide 18 depth Clear Coat. Bay 5B-2 H80-23
$ 7.5088 L/M 82 wide 18 depth LIGHT ANTIQUE STAIN. Bay 5B-3 H80-23 $ 7.5088 L/M 82 wide 18 depth LIGHT ANTIQUE STAIN. Bay 5B-3 H80-15
$ 7.50383 L/M 82 wide 18 depth CLEAR COAT. Bay 4B-7 H80-15 $ 7.50383 L/M 82 wide 18 depth CLEAR COAT. Bay 4B-7 H80-28
$ 7.5056 L/M 82 wide 18 depth CLEAR COAT. Bay 5B-1. H80-28 $ 7.5056 L/M 82 wide 18 depth CLEAR COAT. Bay 5B-1. H80-11
$ 7.50375 L/M 82 wide 19 depth Clear Coat. Bay 4B-7 H80-11 $ 7.50375 L/M 82 wide 19 depth Clear Coat. Bay 4B-7 H80-19
$ 7.50298 L/M 82 wide 21 depth Raw. North Job. Bay 4B-4. H80-19 $ 7.50298 L/M 82 wide 21 depth Raw. North Job. Bay 4B-4. H80-1
$ 7.50192 L/M 82 wide 21 depth Raw. North Job. Bay 4B-4. H80-1 $ 7.50192 L/M 82 wide 21 depth Raw. North Job. Bay 4B-4. H80-6
$ 7.8535 L/M 82 wide 25 depth Clear Coat. Rescued From Old Theatre Stage Toorak College. Bay 4B-1 H80-6 $ 7.8535 L/M 82 wide 25 depth Clear Coat. Rescued From Old Theatre Stage Toorak College. Bay 4B-1 H80-2
$ 7.85283 L/M 82 wide 25 depth Clear Coat. Rescued From Old Theatre Stage Toorak College. Bay 4B-1 H80-2 $ 7.85283 L/M 82 wide 25 depth Clear Coat. Rescued From Old Theatre Stage Toorak College. Bay 4B-1 H80-9
$ 7.50366 L/M 83 wide 18 depth Clear Coat. Bay 5B-2 H80-9 $ 7.50366 L/M 83 wide 18 depth Clear Coat. Bay 5B-2 H80-17
$ 7.50272 L/M 83 wide 19 depth Clear Coat and Antique Stain. Variation in boards as per picture supplied. Bay 4B-1 H80-17 $ 7.50272 L/M 83 wide 19 depth Clear Coat and Antique Stain. Variation in boards as per picture supplied. Bay 4B-1 H80-8
$ 7.50187 L/M 83 wide 19 depth Clear Coat. Roderick Job. Bay 3B-3 H80-8 $ 7.50187 L/M 83 wide 19 depth Clear Coat. Roderick Job. Bay 3B-3 H80-21
$ 7.50201 L/M 83 wide 19 depth Clear Coat. Roderick Job. Bay 3B-3 H80-21 $ 7.50201 L/M 83 wide 19 depth Clear Coat. Roderick Job. Bay 3B-3 H80-27
$ 7.50203 L/M 83 wide 19 depth Raw. Bay 6A-5. H80-27 $ 7.50203 L/M 83 wide 19 depth Raw. Bay 6A-5. H80-20
$ 7.50153 L/M 84 wide 20 depth Raw. Bay 4B-3. H80-20 $ 7.50153 L/M 84 wide 20 depth Raw. Bay 4B-3. H80-5
$ 7.50207 L/M 85 wide 19 depth RAW. Feature Grains Bonus! Bay 4B-4 H80-5 $ 7.50207 L/M 85 wide 19 depth RAW. Feature Grains Bonus! Bay 4B-4 H80-24
$ 7.75235 L/M 87 wide 18 depth Antique Stain / Clear Coat / % Water Stains. Woodley St Job. Bay 3B-5. H80-24 $ 7.75235 L/M 87 wide 18 depth Antique Stain / Clear Coat / % Water Stains. Woodley St Job. Bay 3B-5. H80-25
$ 7.75230 L/M 88 wide 18 depth Clear Coat. Woodley St Job. Bay 3B-1 H80-25 $ 7.75230 L/M 88 wide 18 depth Clear Coat. Woodley St Job. Bay 3B-1 H80-13
$ 8.7565 L/M 98 wide 18 depth BLACK BUTT. Dark Stain. Fordholm St Job. Bay 7B-6 H80-13 $ 8.7565 L/M 98 wide 18 depth BLACK BUTT. Dark Stain. Fordholm St Job. Bay 7B-6 H80-14
$ 8.7546 L/M 98 wide 18 depth Clear Coat. Fordholm St Job. Bay 4B-5 H80-14 $ 8.7546 L/M 98 wide 18 depth Clear Coat. Fordholm St Job. Bay 4B-5