
Exotic Flooring Packs


$6.50 - $20.00

Our rare recycled and exotic flooring packs are salvaged from buildings around Melbourne. Some of these species include Kauri and Rimu Pine, Jarrah, Canadian Oregon, Spotted Gum and more. Visit our huge undercover showroom and be amazed at our wide selection.

The list below is our current stock available.

Do I have to buy the whole Pack ?  No.. but you must buy at least 15 L/M & breaking a pack to purchase Less than 30 L/M incurs an additional 20% charge.

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Stock #PriceQuantitySize (mm)DetailsWishlist
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Stock #PriceQuantitySize (mm)DetailsWishlist

$6.95148 L/M60 wide 19 depthIRON BARK (RED). Clear coating. Removed from college B-Ball court. Boards have court lines stickers. Donvale job. Bay 6B-3

$6.95148 L/M60 wide 19 depthIRON BARK (RED). Clear coating. Removed from college B-Ball court. Boards have court lines stickers. Donvale job. Bay 6B-3

$6.50266 L/M60 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 6B-2

$6.50266 L/M60 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 6B-2

$7.8531 L/M78 wide 19 depthJARRAH. Stain, Short Lengths. Bay 2B-2.

$7.8531 L/M78 wide 19 depthJARRAH. Stain, Short Lengths. Bay 2B-2.

$7.85113 L/M80 wide 19 depthJARRAH. Stain. Offset tongue and groove . Bay 2B-2

$7.85113 L/M80 wide 19 depthJARRAH. Stain. Offset tongue and groove . Bay 2B-2

$8.80126 L/M81 wide 22 depthAMERICAN CHERRY. Raw. Bay 6B-6.

$8.80126 L/M81 wide 22 depthAMERICAN CHERRY. Raw. Bay 6B-6.

$7.8570 L/M83 wide 19 depthJARRAH. Stain. Bay 2B-2.

$7.8570 L/M83 wide 19 depthJARRAH. Stain. Bay 2B-2.

$12.00116 L/M83 wide 19 depthNEW KAURI. Secret Nail. Clear coating - Bay 6B-4

$12.00116 L/M83 wide 19 depthNEW KAURI. Secret Nail. Clear coating - Bay 6B-4

$9.0035 L/M83 wide 20 depthOREGON. Clear coat. Bay 6B-4

$9.0035 L/M83 wide 20 depthOREGON. Clear coat. Bay 6B-4

$9.00122 L/M83 wide 20 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 6B-2.

$9.00122 L/M83 wide 20 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 6B-2.

$9.00290 L/M83 wide 20 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 6B-4.

$9.00290 L/M83 wide 20 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 6B-4.

$8.7052 L/M84 wide 22 depthJARRAH. Weathered. Contains Broken And Ground Off Nails. Bay 2B-1.

$8.7052 L/M84 wide 22 depthJARRAH. Weathered. Contains Broken And Ground Off Nails. Bay 2B-1.

$9.0018 L/M85 wide 27 depthOREGON ?? (RICH RED). Clear coat. Bay 6B-3

$9.0018 L/M85 wide 27 depthOREGON ?? (RICH RED). Clear coat. Bay 6B-3

$11.0092 L/M100 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 7B-2.

$11.0092 L/M100 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 7B-2.

$7.95337 L/M100 wide 20 depthTASMANIAN MYRTLE ??. Bay 6B-5

$7.95337 L/M100 wide 20 depthTASMANIAN MYRTLE ??. Bay 6B-5

$17.0072 L/M100 wide 21 depthKAURI - Clear Coat - Bay 7B-4

$17.0072 L/M100 wide 21 depthKAURI - Clear Coat - Bay 7B-4

$17.00202 L/M100 wide 27 depthKAURI - Clear Coat. Inactive Bora and larger old nail holes. Clark St Job. Bay 7B-3

$17.00202 L/M100 wide 27 depthKAURI - Clear Coat. Inactive Bora and larger old nail holes. Clark St Job. Bay 7B-3

$20.00251 L/M100 wide 27 depthKAURI - Clear Coat. Clark St Job - 7B-3

$20.00251 L/M100 wide 27 depthKAURI - Clear Coat. Clark St Job - 7B-3

$7.9558 L/M108 wide 18 depthTASMANIAN MYRTLE ??. Clear coating. Bay 6B-2

$7.9558 L/M108 wide 18 depthTASMANIAN MYRTLE ??. Clear coating. Bay 6B-2

$12.0067 L/M111 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 7B-2.

$12.0067 L/M111 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 7B-2.

$14.0085 L/M128 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw and % black Japan with beautiful grain. Bay 6B-3

$14.0085 L/M128 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw and % black Japan with beautiful grain. Bay 6B-3

$14.00217 L/M130 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw And % Extra nail holes. Bay 7B-5

$14.00217 L/M130 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw And % Extra nail holes. Bay 7B-5

$14.00130 L/M131 wide 18 depthOREGON. Antique Staint. Bay 6B-1.

$14.00130 L/M131 wide 18 depthOREGON. Antique Staint. Bay 6B-1.

$17.0076 L/M133-135 wide 25-28 depthOREGON ?? (Dark Caramel) Rare Exotic. Perfect for furniture. Bay 6B-5

$17.0076 L/M133-135 wide 25-28 depthOREGON ?? (Dark Caramel) Rare Exotic. Perfect for furniture. Bay 6B-5

$15.00  $13.00302 L/M136 wide 17 depthOREGON. Clear Coat. Tongue & Groove Contain Built Up Polyurethane. Bay 6B-1

$15.00  $13.00302 L/M136 wide 17 depthOREGON. Clear Coat. Tongue & Groove Contain Built Up Polyurethane. Bay 6B-1

$15.0074 L/M135 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 6B-6.

$15.0074 L/M135 wide 19 depthOREGON. Raw. Bay 6B-6.

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